Film and Television Production on a Global Scale: International Co-productions and Local Productions, Entertainment Law and Intellectual Property Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association program, 2010, Moderator and Speaker
The Field of Battle, Entertainment Law and Intellectual Property Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association Symposium “The War of the Deal: Litigation Hollywood Style,” 2006, Moderator
Producing Internationally, Entertainment Law and Intellectual Property Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association Symposium "Hollyworld: International Aspects of the Entertainment Industry," 2001, Moderator and Speaker
It's A Small, Small World - Litigating International IP Cases, 2000, Moderator and Speaker
Recent Developments in International Law, Patricia Mulryan Memorial Program, 1999, Panelist;
How The East Was Won: Legal Aspects of the Entertainment Business in Russia, 1998, Event Chair